Dr. Naren Pandey

Dr. Naren Pandey, with several years of practise in curing Allergy, Asthma and immunotherapy / Unani in Kolkata, ensures that your treatment is given with compassion. His goal revolves around providing qualitative, professional treatment in friendly, supportive environment.

Asthma Treatment

At Dr. Naren Pandey’s Allergy Asthma Centre the asthma is treated with very effective ways of treating which includes the eradication of the cause of asthma.

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Allergy Treatment

Dr. Naren Pandey advise you remedial measures for any kind of allergy. Be it Food Allergy, Animal Allergy or Allergic asthma, in Allergy Asthma Centre all types of allergy are diagnosed.

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Beauty Treatments

Dr. Naren Pandey the best Allergist and Immunotherapist in Kolkata runs Allergy Asthma Centre that provides you different beauty treatments related to skin and hair.

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Allergy Tests

The first step to treat any disease is diagnosis and to find out the cause behind it. In Allergy Asthma Centre Allergy is diagnosed with some modern and effective methods under the supervision of Dr. Naren Pandey.

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Allergy Test

Dr. Naren Pandey assures you to get the right tests done by examining your medical conditions.

Lung Functioning Test

Tests suggested by Dr. Naren Pandey are to check how well your lungs are functioning and how certain diseases are affecting your breathing.

Respiratory Test

Normal breathing requires adequate alveolar ventilation, normal ventilation/blood flow relationships and adequate alveolar-capillary membrane surface area. There are tests which specifically examine each of these functions.

Patch Test

Dr. Naren Pandey suggests patch test for skin allergies and guides the patient to avoid from coming in contact with the substance that irritates the skin.

  • We saw Dr. Naren Pandey for my daughter's food allergies/asthma. He is extremely smart, very thorough in his exam/workup, empathetic and attentive. He answered all my questions/concerns very patiently and discussed the plan. He always promptly called back with lab results. He was also very easy to reach when I had a question and called me back right away.
    Sourav Chatterjee